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The ''thinking in English'' dilemma and English Teachers and their obsession with British accents.

English teachers always tell us that we should acquire this level where we hear our inner thoughts in English and where we even dream in English, and many classmates throughout my school years have disagreed with this thought. I find myself to be a strong supporter of this, though. As it has helped me amazingly with my own monitoring of errors and what not, my English is not 100% perfect, of course not. But I'm not afraid of being confident and saying that I think my English is astounding, I'm tired of hearing my classmates being cruel with themselves and saying that their English is garbage, it's like dude, how about you actually become proud of your level of English, and understand that nobody really cares about your level when you talk to them? Unless you're a true beginner who doesn't care about learning the language you shouldn't be worried. I'm sick and tired of the barriers people put on themselves but this is because English teachers do not make a space in their course to make their students love their level and the way they sound and everything, it's important to encourage students to stop bashing themselves over the head because their pronunciation isn't perfect.

No, English professor from High School, we don't need you to tell us to speak in a british accent to be more ''classy'' and seen as more ''professional'', which also sounds extremely condescending and racist. Like what are you talking about? how dense and repulsively ignorant are you to say those things?
It motivates students into thinking their latino accent is bad and embarrasing and makes them think they can'rt talk to someone or they'll be laughed at. It makes students mix up their pronunciation and sound unnatural and also makes them think that Americans are less than English people.

Yes, think in English, but dont be afraid of making mistakes even in your own head. Play with the language, have fun with it, embrace it. Don't imagine that because you don't sound like the Queen of England you won't be respected, no. Be proud of your nationality and your accent.


Everything Sounds Better With a British Accent Funny Coffee | Etsy
An example of ridiculous merchandise pandering to the British accent as if it was the best thing your ears will ever hear, it's supremacist and awful.
All accents including British are beautiful and deserve their own mug.


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