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Earning Money Online

This quarantine has showed me a huge opportunity on working online as people all around the world are stuck in their homes and still have to get work done or satisfy certain needs, which prompted me to expand my little proof-reading freelancer work with a few people into the site
So far I have earned quite a few dollars from that site and from proof-reading a variety of different works in English, it's always flattering to receive requests from people in need as I'm a second-language learner, but it's usually also second-language learners the ones who come for my help.

The fun part of making money online is the realization of getting to learn how free-lancing works and how hard, but rewarding and motivating it can be. Besides that, you get to connect with others and create interesting friendships which can produce business oportunities.

It's so important to realize that there's millions of people competing with you, but that there's also thousands and thousands of people looking for your help and willing to pay you. The possibility is always there.

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